Tag Archives: Cloud Architecture

Amazon SNS: Part 1 – Introduction for Developers and Architects

Dive into the core functionalities of Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service), a cornerstone for enabling real-time and event-driven architectures in cloud computing. Understand how SNS facilitates seamless communication between applications through its pub/sub messaging model, allowing for broad-scale message distribution to various subscribers. Explore the service’s key features, including multi-protocol support, high throughput, message filtering, and integration within the AWS ecosystem, and learn how it ensures secure, scalable, and efficient messaging across diverse applications.

When to use AWS SQS: Strategically Selecting the Optimal Messaging Solution (Strategic Decision-Making: Part 2)

AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a cornerstone in cloud computing, providing robust solutions for messaging and queuing challenges. This post takes a deep dive into the realms where SQS excels, from order processing systems to distributed transaction processing. However, understanding when to pivot towards alternatives like SNS, Kinesis, or Kafka is just as crucial. Uncover the scenarios where SQS is the optimal choice and the circumstances that call for a different strategy.