Tag Archives: RabbitMQ

Message Brokers VS Event Brokers: Choosing the right message broker for an Event-Driven System (Apache Kafka vs RabbitMQ)

Intro So you have learned (see my prevoius posts/videos) about the pros and cons of event-driven architecture, and you are still are looking to start your journey by either incrementally strangling an existing system or using EDA for a greenfield project. In this post, I will introduce you to the concept of a broker and run you through… Read More »

Setting up RabbitMQ clustering on Windows

Setting up RabbitMQ clustring on windows is very simple, however the documentation is not great. Installing. Get the latest version from erlang.org and rabbitmq.com. Run the installers as administrator. Install erlang first. After installing enable the management web interface. Navagate to ?the rabbitMq server sbin,?C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.2\sbin Open cmd at the location as admin and run the following:?… Read More »