Setting up RabbitMQ clustering on Windows

Setting up RabbitMQ clustring on windows is very simple, however the documentation is not great. Installing. Get the latest version from and Run the installers as administrator. Install erlang first. After installing enable the management web interface. Navagate to ?the rabbitMq server sbin,?C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.2\sbin Open cmd at the location as admin and run the following:?… Read More »

Encrypting an ASP.NET web application connection strings by directory

To encrypt an ASP.NET application’s connection strings?by the path of the application, navigate to the .NET framework folder ?%windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber Open the command prompt as administrator and point to the .Net directory and run the command ASPNET_REGIIS -pef “connectionStrings” “C:\Inetpub\<Application Folder>” (Point to the directory not the web.config file) If successful the following should be displayed.    

ASP.NET Web API – Returning javascript friendly (camelcase) json in two lines of code

Naming conventions of properties defer slightly in .NET and JavaScript. .NET uses?pascal-case and JavaScript uses camel-case. When developing a .NET API all the public properties should use the naming convention pascal-case. However if the service is consumed as an API with a JavaScript client then the json returned should be camel-case. Now you could go and add the… Read More »

Setting up a Visual Studio 2013 web application project for Octopus deploy

Preregisters: Octopus Deploy plugin already installed in TeamCity and Octopus Deploy already setup. Please note: This guide will not run through setting up deployment steps in Octopus Deploy. Guide is based on setting up a web application in Visual studio 2013. Will not show how to actually replace values in a web.config using a transform config.   1)… Read More »