10 years as a developer

Looking back over the last ten years Today I have officially spent ten years working as a .net developer Getting into the game When I left secondary school, I originally wanted to go into the hotel industry, and I spent two years studying leadership and management in hospitality in college. However midway through my course, I decided that… Read More »

Setting up RabbitMQ clustering on Windows

Setting up RabbitMQ clustring on windows is very simple, however the documentation is not great. Installing. Get the latest version from erlang.org and rabbitmq.com. Run the installers as administrator. Install erlang first. After installing enable the management web interface. Navagate to ?the rabbitMq server sbin,?C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.2\sbin Open cmd at the location as admin and run the following:?… Read More »