Encrypting an ASP.NET web application connection strings by directory

To encrypt an ASP.NET application’s connection strings?by the path of the application, navigate to the .NET framework folder ?%windows%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber Open the command prompt as administrator and point to the .Net directory and run the command ASPNET_REGIIS -pef “connectionStrings” “C:\Inetpub\<Application Folder>” (Point to the directory not the web.config file) If successful the following should be displayed.    

ASP.NET Web API – Returning javascript friendly (camelcase) json in two lines of code

Naming conventions of properties defer slightly in .NET and JavaScript. .NET uses?pascal-case and JavaScript uses camel-case. When developing a .NET API all the public properties should use the naming convention pascal-case. However if the service is consumed as an API with a JavaScript client then the json returned should be camel-case. Now you could go and add the… Read More »

Setting up a Visual Studio 2013 web application project for Octopus deploy

Preregisters: Octopus Deploy plugin already installed in TeamCity and Octopus Deploy already setup. Please note: This guide will not run through setting up deployment steps in Octopus Deploy. Guide is based on setting up a web application in Visual studio 2013. Will not show how to actually replace values in a web.config using a transform config.   1)… Read More »